

843.全世界有600万人患有慢性肾脏疾病(CKD)。1一种渐进的、可能致命的疾病.2 然而,大多数人仍未得到诊断和治疗.3

澳门葡京网赌游戏澳门葡京赌博游戏相信澳门葡京赌博游戏在推动更好的患者结果方面发挥着重要作用. 澳门葡京赌博游戏的目标是到2025年将肾衰竭的进展率降低20%. 通过全球合作倡议, 通过澳门葡京赌博游戏的现实世界证据(RWE)计划, 澳门葡京赌博游戏的目标是支持医疗保健专业人员(的学校)优先考虑CKD的诊断和管理, 确保患者了解他们的风险因素,并能够与他们的医务人员解决这些问题, 并与利益相关者合作,在政策层面优先考虑CKD筛查.


It’s staggering to see that although CKD is expected to become the world’s fifth leading cause of mortality by 20404在美国,高达90%的慢性肾病患者并不知道自己患有这种疾病.3

慢性肾病患者的肾功能下降,如果不治疗, 他们的慢性肾病最终会发展成危及生命的肾衰竭5 尽管大多数患者在到达这一阶段之前更有可能死于心血管疾病.6 这些患者中的许多人将需要肾脏替代疗法,如透析来替代他们的肾脏功能7,这严重影响了他们的生活质量.8

甚至在进步之前, people living with CKD report that their lives and daily activities are impacted by the disease and its complications.9 他们可能会经历严重的身体限制, 生活质量下降, 失业, 情绪和认知障碍, 社会孤立和过早死亡.10 如果病人的CKD进展到需要透析的地方, 他们可能会因透析的经济影响和时间负担而承受额外的压力, 同时觉得自己是照顾者的负担.11

慢性肾病不仅在个体层面上影响患者, 还有更广泛的社会和环境. 慢性肾病是全球卫生支出的主要原因,12 它给个人和医疗体系带来了沉重的负担. 在世界上的高收入国家, 每年医疗保健预算的2-3%用于肾脏替代疗法.13

另外, 慢性肾病的治疗, 像透析, leave a considerable carbon footprint and can cause environmental pollution due to frequent medical interventions, 使用产生医疗废物的产品, 运行机器的能源和水的消耗.10 透析仍然是医学中碳浓度最高的领域之一, 消耗大量的水,产生大量的医疗废物.14 每年,全球透析使用超过1690亿升水10 并产生了超过10亿公斤的医疗废物.15

随着慢性肾病的负担不断增加, the environmental impact is expected to do so too: recent UK data predicts environmental impacts equivalent to 1.三千五百万公吨一氧化碳2 emissions for patients receiving in-centre haemodialysis by 2032 – and the total environmental impact would likely be larger if all CKD care pathways were included.16


慢性肾病可以影响任何人, 但如果一个人患有糖尿病,风险就会增加, 高血压, 心脏病, 肥胖, 或者有慢性肾脏疾病的家族史.17

CKD在早期阶段被认为是一种沉默的疾病, 因为对病人来说经历很少是正常的, 如果有任何, 早期症状.18 这意味着它通常被诊断得很晚,而且治疗时间过长.18 通常, CKD患者在出现任何症状之前,可能会失去高达90%的肾功能.19 失去的肾功能不能恢复, 使医疗保健提供者(的学校)和患者面临肾衰竭的前景.20


最近美国RWE健康数据显示,记录CKD 3期诊断的好处, showing it can help to improve 肾脏 health with a significant decrease in estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) decline. Delaying the diagnosis of Stage 3 by one year resulted in an increased disease progression to Stage 4 or 5 by 40% and the risk of needing a 肾脏 transplant or long-term dialysis treatment by 63%, 哪些是肾衰竭的指标. 这突出了在高危人群中进行早期筛查的必要性.22

而慢性肾病本身很难治疗, 它还会增加患心血管疾病和死亡的风险.23,24 研究继续显示心血管疾病和肾脏疾病之间的联系, 由于心脏和肾脏关系如此密切, 慢性肾病可引起或加重心血管疾病,如心力衰竭.23,24 多达五分之一的CKD患者会发展为心衰, 使其成为CKD患者的主要心血管并发症.23,24


We consider ourselves a central part of the healthcare community and are committed to working with the entire 肾脏 community – patients, 的学校, 政策制定者, 行业领导者和更多-改变CKD的交付和护理.

By 2025, 澳门葡京赌博游戏的目标是支持对1.4亿高危人群进行筛查, and to help transform 肾脏 health and reduce the number of patients developing 肾脏 failure by 20% through partnerships with key healthcare stakeholders and 政策制定者.

为了实现这一目标, we launched the Accelerate Change Together (ACT) on CKD programme to drive comprehensive CKD change across the healthcare ecosystem. 通过ACT治疗CKD, 澳门葡京赌博游戏的目标是提高对慢性肾病的认识, 支持初级保健医生进行常规筛查和早期诊断慢性肾病, 强调政策改革的必要性,以实现可持续的变化,以支持面临慢性肾病风险的人, 并最终降低疾病进展的风险.

早期筛查和诊断是ACT治疗CKD的重要组成部分, 因为早期识别和干预可以帮助改善CKD患者的预后和生活质量. 自2021年在CKD上推出ACT以来, we estimate that we have contributed to the screening of over 32 million at-risk people and helped over 10 million CKD patients be diagnosed globally.


为了推动CKD的改变,澳门葡京赌博游戏正在与全球、区域和当地的合作伙伴共同努力. We support many projects around the world to help health care professionals facilitate the screening of at-risk patients for CKD by increasing blood (eGFR) and urine (urine albumin-creatinine ratio) testing in the out-patient settings, 比如医生办公室或门诊候诊室. 在一些国家,澳门葡京赌博游戏还支持使用易于使用的尿液检测试剂盒进行家庭筛查.

澳门葡京网赌游戏 we are committed to transforming 肾脏 health through partnerships aimed at reducing the number of patients progressing to 肾脏 failure. We hope to help expand early detection to improve patient outcomes and support policy reform to achieve sustainable change in health policies that support people with chronic 肾脏 disease.

凯拉Obolensky 澳门葡京网赌游戏全球心血管、肾脏和代谢政策高级总监


澳门葡京赌博游戏希望提供医疗保健提供者(hcp), 决策者和患者有必要的信息来推动变革. 澳门葡京赌博游戏致力于扩大对CKD的了解,并在以下方面获得了实际证据:

  • 诊断不足的程度 以及早期CKD诊断的临床影响

  • 预测的未来流行率, 疾病负担, 医疗保健的使用和成本, 以及筛查的好处 

  • 患者特征描述, 监控, 管理, 患者疾病经历, 和生活质量来前瞻性地测试CKD管理的新方法 

  • 预计的社会经济和环境影响 以及如何通过早期诊断和干预来减少慢性肾病 

  • 描述CKD 3-4期患者的高住院风险和相关医疗费用

  • 显示CKD患者和护理人员的生活质量(QoL)和经济负担

The prevalence of undiagnosed Stage 3 chronic 肾脏 disease as shown in Reveal CKD requires immediate attention. Results from Inside CKD shows the projected prevalence across major countries and the urgent need for diagnosis at early-stage 肾脏 disease so patients can receive guideline directed medical treatments.25澳门葡京网赌游戏, we are committed to driving meaningful change for patients with chronic 肾脏 disease by highlighting these gaps in diagnosis and helping to provide 的学校 with the tools to proactively screen.

Miroslav精英 澳门葡京网赌游戏全球商业副总裁


澳门葡京赌博游戏的使命是推动慢性肾脏疾病的改变, which is a growing issue that has an impact in multiple dimensions – including broader society and the environment. 通过澳门葡京赌博游戏广泛的ACT CKD计划, we see an extraordinary opportunity to support health care professionals and clinical practice to help increase diagnosis and early intervention.

埃尔玛Malvolti MD, 医学的头, 全球医疗保健变革规划, 心血管,肾脏和代谢, 澳门葡京网赌游戏

它需要整个肾脏社区——患者, 的学校, 政策制定者, industry members and more – to transform CKD delivery and care to shift from 肾脏 failure to 肾脏 preservation. We remain steadfast in our commitment to transforming CKD and won’t rest until we have achieved sustainable change for patients all over the world.



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Veeva ID: Z4-58891


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